Newsdesk Researcher - Looking up voting records of elected officials that represent the territory, monitoring social media pages and websites of elected officials that represent the territory, reporting back to the Communications Committee on findings.
Newsdesk Watchdog - Regularly attending civic meetings/public events held by officials that represent the territory, tracking discussions among elected bodies pertaining to issues the organization would choose to weigh in on, reporting back to the Communications Committee on happenings of governmental bodies and elected officials.
Newsdesk Writer - Processing information from the Researcher and Watchdog on certain issues or policy areas, working with the the Comms Committee Chair to determine what sort of content/topics the organization should be weighing in on, drafting statements regularly and getting them approved by the org’s leadership, posting the statements to the organization’s “News” page on the website, submitting the statements via the Google Form.
Together, the Newsdesk team is responsible for developing four (4) statements each month.
Time commitment: 1- 2 hours per week. Additionally, this committee meets monthly either in zoom or in person for an hour.