To expand the organization's reach and influence in the community, it is essential to engage with individuals who are not currently involved with the organization's work. This involves taking proactive measures to reach out to people within the organization's geographic territory, including forming coalitions focused on specific policy issues, partnering with relevant advocacy groups, and actively recruiting volunteers to participate in the organization's activities. By taking these steps, the organization can broaden its reach and connect with a wider range of people, increasing its ability to promote its goals and values, build support for its initiatives, and effect positive change in the community.
Committee Chair - responsibilities include attending a weekly meeting with the Chairman, the Surus Illinois Account Manager, and other committee chairs. Additionally, you will facilitate monthly Community Engagement meetings, preparing the agenda and running the meeting, while serving as the key point of contact for the other committees. It will also be your responsibility to ensure that the Committee's actions align with the organization's mission and strategic plan, as well as report highlights and key decisions from Committee meetings to the Chairman, Executive Committee, and Surus Account Manager. To ensure the Committee's effectiveness, you will evaluate its efforts monthly and annually, ensuring that its activities are consistent with the organization's mission, vision, and values, and that they help meet the organization's long and short-term goals.
Volunteer Coordinator - responsible for overseeing all aspects of the volunteer program, from recruiting and onboarding volunteers with the goal of building a strong, engaged, and committed volunteer community that helps advance the organization’s mission. Facilitates a monthly volunteer appreciation event, logs 10 contacts to prospective volunteers each month, and facilitates the recruitment of volunteers for the organization when needed.
Coalitions Coordinator - responsible for using the data surrounding the organization’s Victory Number to facilitate the development and management of strategic partnerships and collaborations between multiple organizations and individuals, to foster collective action, enhance advocacy efforts, and achieve long term goals that benefit the organization. Required to develop a coalition around a certain indicated by the issues affecting the organization’s territory and engage them in an in person event or meeting each quarter.
Time commitment: 1- 2 hours per week. Additionally, this committee meets monthly either in zoom or in person for an hour.