To ensure sufficient financial backing for the organization's operations, it is necessary to establish a strong fundraising mechanism that encompasses hosting fundraising events, fostering donor relationships, and establishing and expanding a membership program.
Major Donor Coordinator - responsible for identifying, cultivating, and soliciting major donors to secure significant financial contributions for the organization. Ensures that 75% of the organization’s annual budget is covered through major donor solicitation.
Fundraising Events Coordinator - responsible for planning, organizing, and executing events that raise funds for the organization. Ensures that the organization hosts at least one fundraising event each quarter.
Sponsorship Coordinator - is responsible for identifying, soliciting, and stewarding corporate and individual sponsors to support an organization's events, programs, and initiatives. Ensures that the organization solicits one local business sponsor to make a gift in return for digital real estate or special mentions at organization wide meetings.
Membership Coordinator - manages the recruitment, retention, engagement, and stewardship of members in the organization. Ensures that the organization meets its membership goal for the month through making contact with potential members and facilitating member appreciation events and curating the organization’s membership program to continually offer value.
Time commitment: 1- 2 hours per week. Additionally, this committee meets monthly either in zoom or in person for an hour.